Project Health

LF Decentralized Trust Identus LFX Insights Dashboard The project is relatively new to the LF Decentralized Trust Ecosystem and is mainly supported by the IOG maintainers. At the same time, over the past year, we have seen several new contributors and evidence of usage of the Identus platform by other companies:

  •, Socious production use case.
  •, Ahau PoC.
  •, - identity wallet.

We currently utilize two Discord servers: the LF Decentralized Trust Discord and the private Identus Discord server. The Identus Discord has seen significantly more engagement. Since January 2024, our membership has grown from 258 to 476 members. On average, there are 348 activities across various channels monthly, with about 39 users online daily.

Maintainer Diversity

There are currently 10 maintainers from IOG and other companies.

The file is up to date and can be found here The identus-maintainers team includes around 10 members from IOG and other companies.

The number of active maintainers has decreased due to restructuring the Atala Team at IOG. However, the diversity of maintainers has increased over the past six months, with more companies contributing to the project.

Project Adoption

Several companies are using the Identus project for prototyping and production use cases.

The following companies are using the project:

  •, Socious production use case.
  •, Ahau PoC.
  •, - identity wallet.

Developers actively participate in the weekly meetings and consider using the Identus platform for their use cases.


Performance Against Prior Goals

The current project roadmap is public and can be found here: Identus Roadmap

During the last six months, the project has achieved the following goals:

  • Connectionless Issuance and Verification of VC via DIDCommV2
  • DID Prism AnonCreds method to resolve the resources from the DID Prism URL (for the schema and credential definition)
  • Crypto Agility of the DID Prism Method (added Ed25519 cryptography suite)
  • Transitioning the project from the IOHK to the LF Decentralized Trust organization
  • OID4VCI specification implementation in the Cloud Agent and SDKs (for JWT VC only)
  • Major refactoring: – a. improved error handling in the Cloud Agent, the Mediator, and SDKs, – b. added Problem Report protocol to other protocols, – c. Background jobs are replaced with the message queue (in-memory or Kafka)
  • SD-JWT-VC implementation in the Cloud Agent and SDKs
  • Status List revocation implementation in JWT VC
  • Improved documentation with the Quick Start Guide and Tutorials

The roadmap is actively discussed with the community members in the GitHub Discussions

Next Year’s Goals

The project has the following strategic goals for the next year:

  • Reduce maintenance cost and complexity of the Identus platform
  • Increase the Identus platform adoption by the developers and companies
  • Improve the platform interoperability with other SSI platforms
  • Improve the platform documentation and tutorials

The following features are planned for the next year, among others:

  • Cardano Identus VDR
  • Bring Issuance capabilities to the SDKs
  • Continue with UAS Wrapper implementation
  • Pollux Plugin abstraction SDK
  • OIDC specifications for the SSI: OID4VCI, OID4VP, SIOP2.0
  • Authentication using the PRISM DID method

Help Required

LF Decentralized Trust can help with the following:

  • Promote the Identus project within the LF Decentralized Trust community
  • Help with the workshops and hackathons
  • Help to collaborate with the LF Decentralized Trust Aries project as the Identus platform leveraging the Aries specs and protocols

Project Lifecycle Status Recommendation

The Identus is a reasonably new incubation project in the LF Decentralized Trust Ecosystem and should remain so.