Common Repository Structure

LF Decentralized Trust (LFDT) projects are required to maintain a standard set of files in each repository. This document describes the required and recommended files.

Required Files with Specified Content

Repositories MUST have these files with the specific content in the linked files, or a file with a link to the specified content with minimal exposition. These files MUST be at the root of the repository.

Required Files with Variable Content

Repositories MUST have these files. Named files MUST be at the root of the repository, and may have format suffixes such as .md, .rst, or .txt.

    A description of the project and contain information or links to information such as
    • A reference to the license (required).
    • The current and important past releases
    • Documentation for developers and users
    A list of all current maintainers with contact info. A separate document covers the specifics.
    Directions on how to contribute code to the project, or a pointer to that information.
    A human readable list of recent changes. Changes should at least include the current release. This file may be maintainer curated or mechanically produced.
  • Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) configurations
    Configurations needed to run CI/CD on LFDT Trust provided systems.

Repositories SHOULD have these files. Named files SHOULD be at the root of the repository.

  • License Header information in each source code file.
    For new files added to LFDT repositories they SHOULD include the snippet SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 as part of the header. (see the Copyright and Licencing Policy)
  • Build files consistent with the implementation language, such as…
    • For JavaScript/Node.js a package.json file
    • For Ruby a Gemfile file
    • For Java, one of a Maven pom.xml, an Apache Ant build.xml, or a Gradle build.gradle, file
    • For Python and requirements.txt files
    • For Go go.mod and optionally go.sum
    • For Rust a cargo.toml file
    • For multi-lingual repositories a Makefile or executable script
    • For other languages, other standard build files a practitioner of the language would expect.
  • Testing code
    Code to test the code in the repository (such as unit tests), in a location appropriate for the language.
    Not all repositories can be tested (homebrew, docs), which is the only reason this is a SHOULD.


Repositories MUST NOT have these files.

  • Executable binaries and shared library files built by code in the repository
    This includes .exe, .dll, .so, .a and .dylib files not otherwise part of a third party library.


In order to help automate checks a repolinter file and supporting scripts can be found in LFDT Community Management Tools.

Note that this document takes precedence over documents in the folder linked above, wherever the instructions and tooling differ between the two.